The Kunshan government visits MONDRAGON

The objective of the visit is to strengthen the relations between both institutions.
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Sep 04, 2019

A delegation from the Kunshan government visited the MONDRAGON Corporation yesterday, September 3, with the idea of ​​strengthening relations between the two institutions.

Fagor Ederlan - visita del Gobierno de Kunshan

The program began in the morning with a visit to the Fagor Ederlan facilities in Bergara (Gipuzkoa) to later move to the corporate center of MONDRAGON.

Work session

During the stay in the central offices, a working meeting was held in which, among others, executives from cooperatives such as Batz, Cikautxo, Fagor Arrasate, Fagor Ederlan, Mondragon Assembly, Orkli and Mondragon Unibertsitatea participated. This meeting was also attended by the Basque Government Marian Elorza, Javier Zarraonaindia, and Ainhoa ​​Ondarzabal, in addition to Nekane Arzallus, deputy mayor of Donostia, a city with which the Kunshan government intends to strengthen relations.

In this case, the hosts of the event were Iñigo Ucin, president of MONDRAGON; Oskar Goitia, president of MONDRAGON International, and Iñigo Albizuri, director of Institutional Relations of MONDRAGON.

Mondragon Assembly

The day concluded with a visit to the factory that Mondragon Assembly has in Aretxabaleta (Gipuzkoa).

MONDRAGON Corporation.