Ikerlan and the Belgian engineering company, ABEE, reach an agreement to work together in the field of electric mobility and stationary applications
The Basque technology center, Ikerlan, and the Belgian engineering company, Avesta Battery & Energy Engineering (ABEE), have reached an agreement to work together on the design and development of industrial solutions in the field of batteries and energy for the electromobility sector, as well as stationary applications. The alliance will allow both companies to jointly undertake industrial projects in the international market, mainly in Europe and the Middle East.
With this agreement, both organizations reinforce the close relationship they have had up to now in innovation and research projects, to respond to the needs of the industry.
Ikerlan is a leading international center for energy storage solutions and power electronics; it will also contribute its technological expertise in the field of digitalization, thus complementing ABEE's technological capabilities.
IKERLAN’s CEO, Marcelino Caballero, stressed that "the agreement with ABEE will enable IKERLAN to tackle international markets and will be a lever for growth from a technological point of view". Meanwhile, ABEE's CEO, Prof. Dr. Noshin Omar, said that "the sum of ABEE's and IKERLAN strengths will reinforce the position of both companies in Europe and the Middle East”.
IKERLAN, a member of BRTA, is a leading center in technology transfer and the contribution of competitive value to the company due, among other things, to the specialization of its researchers. It offers comprehensive solutions that combine different technological fields into three large areas: Electronics, Information and Communication Technologies (EICT), Energy and Power Electronics, and Advanced Manufacturing. In 2017, IKERLAN obtained certification, via AENOR, for the integrated management system (UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 and UNE 166002:2014), which recognizes the excellence of the center in the field of R&D&I. It currently has a workforce of around 350 people.
About ABEE
Avesta Battery & Energy Engineering (ABEE) is a dynamic and specialized company in the field of battery and energy technologies for e-mobility and stationary applications located in Brussels, Belgium. Today ABEE is a fast-growing multicultural company consisting of team members from various nationalities. It is currently part of 10 running EU funded projects, several industrial projects with OEM’s and government institutions around the world (https://abeegroup.com/).