Ismael Igartua, Director of GALBAIAN Intellectual Property: “It’s been a fascinating experience where we’ve all learnt a great deal”

Ismael Igartua is the director of GALBIAN Intellectual Property Co-op, which provides a comprehensive service covering industrial and intellectual property rights and advises Copreci.
Jun 23, 2014

“I’ve personally witnessed the enormous qualitative leap Copreci has made in terms of patents in the last 16 years.” According to Ismael Igartua, 10 years ago bringing a lawsuit against a US corporation would have been unthinkable. “Over the years Copreci has obtained ever tighter patents which have earned them respect and forced important companies like Coleman to stop selling infringing products and provide Copreci with financial compensation”. However, the real moment of truth was yet to arrive: “…with Brinkmann, an out-of-court agreement was impossible and a lawsuit had to be brought against them. It was a fascinating experience where we’ve learnt a great deal,” he added. Mr Igartua understands that one of the reasons behind this success is being well-advised, which is why “we worked with one of the most prestigious US companies in terms of patents.” The Brinkmann case will considerably strengthen the Copreci’s position in patent issues in relation to their competitors and customers.