IK4-LORTEK launches a new platform called agite

The new platform called AGITE, platform for the support of the integral management for the transformation of the enterprises, will be launched in July 2013, as a result of many years of work to create and program the platform, reinforced in 2013 with the support of Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, where AGITE platform, its philosophy and its way of work has been observed as an appropriate tool to promote the innovation in the industrial sector.
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Jul 19, 2013

In a context where the transfer of the results of research to the industrial fabric is urgent, the launch of AGITE platform is strategic for IK4-LORTEK, flexible and facilitative to make the industrial transformation as much efficient as possible, with full involvement of IK4-LORTEK and making these systems sustainable.

The project has been led by IK4-LORTEK and has participated in its development a team formed by companies specialized in programming; others specialized in design, layout and communication; and finally, by IK4-LORTEK which has designed the main contents and sought to give coherence to the project as a whole.

The accumulated experience in many different business fields of the people who have create the platform, has been the key to constitute a balanced tool between the people who have participated in this project, to promote and introduce current and innovative methodologies in the management of the AGITE platform. In this way, some tools have been combined such as competitive intelligence, elaboration of roadmaps, etc., where the process of automation is high, with other tools as the manager of knowledge, where on the contrary the assessment and implementation process requires a greater performance and dedication of the people.

AGITE platform is oriented both to SMEs and development agencies, as well as to large companies. Due to its flexibility and high degree of personalization, it allows adapting to the specific needs of each organization. An important effort has been made to convert AGITE in an intuitive, easy-to-use platform, allowing the participation in an agile and comfortable way for all user levels.

It should be noted that this tool gives the possibility to increase the efficiency of the innovation processes of the companies, transferring knowledge to value. AGITE allows organizing the competitive intelligence, a network of experts, creativity, a roadmap, launching of products and managing of knowledge, etc. It is a modular and scalable tool where the company can manage and create their own teams of people focused on the challenges and key projects of the organization.

In addition to, with the integral implementation of AGITE system, the company is aligned with the requirements for the standard UNE 166002:2006, although it is up to the company to get the certificate or not.